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The Day of Pentecost:

The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Then & Now!

Dr. daniel b. gilbert

may 27, 2023

What God Did in Kenya this March: An Overview

What a glorious time we had in Siaya County, Kenya once again! God continues to do some amazing things with our teams through the generous investments through our faithful partners! In this post, I will give a brief overview of what God did through our Teaching Team, Pastor Brad Abley and Wesley Bremer (with "A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministries") and Dr. Melissa Davis.

Once we arrived safely in Siaya on Saturday March 4th, we met with a few of our students at our Bible School, ELIM Theological Institute and share about our upcoming classes we would be teaching on during the week. Then we went to our Orphanage, Ebenezer Children's Home and Word Academy, where we got stay for the week and got settled.

Sunday, March 5th: The Team Sent Out to 3 Churches to Preach:

As usual, on Sunday, each team member is taken to a different church to preach the Word of God at one of the churches that represents our Bible School. I was honored to minister at two different places: First, the Woman's Probationary Center (a unique government facility for single mothers who have been committed crimes for rehabilitation). It was an honor to minister to these young women and their children. After the message on Luke 7:36-50 on "God's Amazing Forgiveness," all the young ladies prayed to the "sinner's prayer" and one actually said this was the first time she had ever prayed for salvation! Glory to God! After this amazing time, I went to Refugee of Joy Sanctuary Church in Siaya Town to preach on the same message and we saw many repent and come to Christ! Glory to God!

Melissa Davis went to Pastor Paul Tawo's church to preach. Paul is our Director of the Bible School. And Pastor Brad and Wesley went to Word Christian Church (Pastor Paul O'Chieng's church who is also the Director of the orphanage we are in strategic partnership with)! What a glorious Sunday!

Monday, March 6th: The First Day of Intensive Teaching at our Bible School:

What a glorious start at our Bible School. We taught three intensive Courses for the week:

I taught on "Principles of Bible Study," Brad taught on "The Beauty of the Old Testament," and Melissa taught on her Ph.D. Dissertation topic, "The Theology of Worship!"

We had so many pastors and students come out the first day we had to go rent more chairs and we have outgrown the tent already! Glory to God!

Pastor Brad started the first intensive course. Many pastors and students were very engaged. Then Melissa started her first session on the Theology of Worship, and the students were so challenged, that they started asking a plethora of questions.

After lunch I taught the principles of Bible Study followed by a time of Q&A and boy, that was amazing and challenging! But the Holy Spirit gave us the answers on the role of women in ministry, role of husbands and wives and how to treat their children, polygamy and the ministry (yes this is a real issue here), and so much more!

Tuesday, March 7th: More Teaching and Ministry:

God continued doing a deep work in the students and pastors at the Bible School. Pastor Brad continued his teachings on the Nature of God as found in the OT. The focus of his teaching today was on God’s Forgiving Nature followed by a time of repentance for not believing God truly forgives, and to receive His abounding forgiveness in our lives.

Then Melissa Davis continued her course on the Theology of Worship by focusing on the creation and the image of God. Wow! There were so many questions and great discussion as everyone was put into small groups to work on Genesis 1:26 and 2:18-24 to answer questions. It was so wonderful to see so many with questions and the answers they gave. By the end of the day, I taught on Principles to Bible Study and focused on “Context is King!” With this, there were many questions about different passages, even though we focused our study on Acts 15, a major passage for sound doctrine in the church.

One of the key questions came from a village pastor that naturally flowed from the Genesis passage on humans being made in the image of God. He asked if, according to Psalms 82:6, that states, "I said, 'You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you.'" His question was, "Since the word says we are not only made in the image of God, but that 'we are gods, sons of the Most High' what does this mean for us?" What a great question. Some reading this may think, "we are not gods!" and you are correct, but for many village pastors with little to no training in how to study the Bible, they can read this Psalm and interpret it literally.

So, the Holy Spirit guided me to return to our Principles to Bible Study and focused on "Context is King!" principle! We went through the entire passage to get the context of the passage and we revealed that God is rebuking the leaders and judges of the nations in this passage for their lack of justice! Everyone had a "Ah Ha!" moment! We had a powerful time of prayer following at the close of the teachings!

But we were not done with the day as the main photo above. After we returned to the Orphanage where we were staying, Paul O'Chieng the Director gathered all the children together as we made a presentation of all the gifts each team member brought!

A big Thank You to Melissa Davis and her friends who donated school supplies, dolls, toys, books, and much needed medicines! To Pastor Brad Abley and Riverbend Church Children’s Ministries for the stickers and hand made cards for all the orphans, to Wesley Bremer for the special soccer balls, and a special partner who gave more Beanie Babies!

Oh the gratitude and joy all the orphans have for being blessed by you all for these gifts!

Thank You!

Because of you and your faithful support, orphans and pastors lives are being changed!

Day 3: Breakthrough in Teaching and Ministry:

Today is the third day teaching the intensive courses at our Bible School. We had a record number of students and pastors attending each day!

Melissa took the class deeper into the Theology of Worship by focusing on worship as a lifestyle, transformative, and should be our allegiance. She focused on Abraham and Issac in Genesis 22 and then Ezekiel 36 on God taking our heart of stone away and giving us a heart of flesh. The village pastors and Bible students were very engaged and wanted to know more.

Then we moved into my teaching on Hermeneutics (Principles to Bible Study). This is a foundational course we teach regularly in our weekly classes, but we have many new students coming, so I’m giving them an overview of the principles. We are focused on Acts 15:1-35 that is pivotal in the history of the Church. We spent about 2 hours on understanding the most important step of the three steps: Observation. It was so life-giving!

Then before lunch something happened. The Spirit began to move as we started to sing worship songs. Our Director of the Bible School, Pastor Paul Tawo came to me with a word for people who have a heavy and hurting heart to come forward for prayer.

Over 20 people came forward and the tears began to flow from everyone! The others who didn’t come forward stretched out their hands to pray for those heavy burdened. The team and I started to lay hands on everyone, spending time praying over them. Many were being set free and the tears turned to joy.

Then there was a young female student, Esther, who began to weep and wail. And as Melissa and I came to pray over her, a tormenting spirit started to manifest. We were not scared, because of the blood of Jesus.

Let me just say, we spoke in the authority of Jesus’ name and His blood. I was not shouting, but calmly and firmly commanded the spirit to be released from her. There was a struggle, but soon, she obeyed the name of Jesus and the demon left her. As she looked at us, the whites and color of her eyes were dark and glazed over, suddenly cleared up and were white and clear. And the peace, joy, and freedom of the Holy Spirit filled her up. Glory to God!

After that powerful time we had lunch and then Brad began his in-depth teaching on The Nature of God in the OT. Again, just like with Melissa’s and my teachings, there was engagement with the students and the anointing continued to flow.

What a glorious day today!

Day 4: More Indepth and Life-Changing Teachings:

Thursday's teachings continued on Principles to Bible Study (taught by me) going through Acts 15 and helping the pastors and students really discover how to understand and “rightly handle the Word of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Pastor Brad continued to teach on the Beauty of the Old Testament focusing on the Nature of God and Melissa Davis continued teaching “The Theology of Worship” and focused on Allegiance to God and to Loving Others. There was a breakthrough in our Bible School as Melissa shared from Scripture how worship is so much more than just singing and praying.

I would say the highlight though of Thursday’s time were all the questions the students asked dealing with some issues in the church. The Holy Spirit filled me and the teaching team with wisdom. For example, one of the questions was about a church member who claims to be a Christian is practicing witchcraft at church, so how should we deal with it? Think about that for a moment! The Lord gave all of us wisdom to give guidance and counsel.

At the end of Wednesday’s and Thursday’s class, I lead the students and pastors in the closing prayer asking the Lord to send rain as it is very, very dry at this time. Water wells have run dry and water tanks that collect rain water are running low. Nothing happened on Wednesday night but shortly after praying on Thursday, there was a clap of thunder at a distance. Then Friday early morning about 5 am: Kaboom! A huge thunderstorm came through and it rained like cats and dogs (lions and elephants: in Africa) for 3 hours! Then it slowed down to a drizzle until about 9:00 am just as we started teaching. All the students were singing, praising, and shouting glory to God for the rain and how He answered our prayers!

Day 5: Final Day of Intensive Teaching & Life-Changing Prayers and Prophetic Ministry:

The final day of our classes for the village pastors and Bible Students, I taught on the "Characteristics of Shepherd/Pastor." God used this to challenge misperceptions of the Pastor. Melissa finished her teaching on Worship focusing on Sacrifice. Again it was full of insights that challenged our limited view of sacrifice. And then she wrapped it up by talking about how to put it all into practice. Pastor Brad finished his powerful teaching on praying the Scriptures using the Old Testament. They all started praying right there! It was powerful to witness putting the teachings into practice!

Finally, we spent time praying over every student and the Holy Spirit gave numerous Prophetic Words for many of the students. There were tears and joy and so much more. We closed with prayers and worship! What a powerful and special week of teachings this was. I finished the day meeting with my leadership team of the Bible School to discuss future plans and work, which I'll be sharing with our partners in the coming months!

Day 6: Wedding Day for Pastor Paul Tawo & Loice Apala:

Saturday was a very special day for me, as I was honored to officiate my Bible School Director's wedding! Pastor Paul Tawo lost his first wife to cancer eight years ago, and we have been praying for a new wife for the past 4 years. Well God answered our prayers! It was a glorious day of celebrating, singing, dancing, and joy!

Ebenezer Children's Home:

Along with our intensive courses for the village pastors, we also took care of one major need for the orphanage, especially the girls. Their outdoor latrines the past October began to sink and became unsafe. Although our goal is to build indoor bathrooms for the girls (which we will begin a new campaign soon), we had to deal with building new outdoor latrines (Outhouses)! Well because of your generous support, we were able to not only start building them, but by next week, they will be completed!

Returning to Nairobi and Preparing to Return Home:

Sunday morning I departed for Nairobi to start my long journey home, but still had ministry opportunities in the Capital City.

I was blessed to minister in three venues at Life Church International:

You see, EmPowered Living International Ministries doesn’t stop in Siaya County, I was honored to be one of the keynote speakers at the Men and Marketplace Conference in Nairobi at Life Church International with Apostle David Juma. I also was a guest on two shows on Elevate TV - Kenya "Tracing the Mantles" with Pastor Asunta Juma, where we discussed American Church History and how that can help the church in Kenya. Then on Monday morning, I was the guest on "Morning Digest" with Host Pastor Godfrey Gichuki where we discussed "Church and Politics!" What a wonderful time with on these shows and at the Men's Conference. I am grateful for Pastor Cindy Meeks of The Citadel Church in Reston, Virginia who introduced Apostle David Juma and me for this new relationship to develop for broader ministry.

Well, all of this could not happen without the faithful partnership of financial partners like you. Thank you for believing in the work we are doing by helping us educate, equip, and empower village pastors and believers like you in sound theology and the power of the Holy Spirit!

By Daniel Gilbert 28 May, 2023
This is a subtitle for your new post
By Daniel Gilbert 27 May, 2023
The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Then & Now!
By Dr. Daniel Gilbert 04 Mar, 2020
We must stop the rise of Antisemitism that’s happening now, which is similar to what was happening prior to 1938! Then this evening at the Sabbath (Shabbat) we had an amazing time celebrating and praying at the the Western Wall!!!! I was so humbled to get to pray at the wall for all our partners of the ministry! I was weeping at the wall as I prayed. What a moment with God! Thousands of Jews & hundreds of Christians where praying, yet as I prayed I didn’t sense anyone around me, but just the presence of the LORD! Then after our time there, we were blessed to go to a Jewish home and celebrate Shabbat Dinner. It was beautiful and wonderful. We all sang, in Hebrew Psalm 133 at the end! I can’t thank CUFI, Christians United for Israël enough for this trip for us at Regent University! Keep Praying my friends and send me any specific prayer requests for me to pray for you, as we will be returning to the Western Wall to pray again before we leave Jerusalem. God BLESS You, Dr. Daniel B Gilbert Mary Beth Miller Gilbert
By Dr. Daniel Gilbert 04 Mar, 2020
I’ve read Ephesians 2:10 a thousand times. And when you read something you tend to gloss over it mentally. Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (ESV) And at first reading, this is a great verse. I make a little graphic for Instagram and then I close my Bible and get ready for work. But if you really dive into to what this verse is really saying, it will literally change your life. The Word “workmanship” in particular is what I did a word study on and found that there were so many layers and meanings behind it. Let’s unpack that word. The Amplified Bible says, “His own master work/ work of art.” The NIV says, “We are God’s Handiwork” The Passion Translation says “We are His Poetry” The Voice translation says, “We are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on lives..” After reading all the translations, I started to peel back all the layers of meaning. But it wasn’t until I read the Spanish version that I really understood. The “Palabra De Dios” Version says, “Obra” instead of “Workmanship.” This word OBRA is where we get OPUS- or a composer’s greatest symphony. Now, when I read this verse, I don’t just see that I am created by God’s hand, but that I am his GREATEST MASTERPIECE, His SYMPHONY of life. It makes me want to sing to HIM, dance for Him, create for Him- with all my innermost being!
By Dr. Daniel Gilbert 04 Mar, 2020
I was so blessed to be in Israel for 9 days with 24 other faculty from Regent University through our partnership with Christians United for Israel (CUFI)! Right now, all I can say is, "Wow!" It was a life-changing trip for me! One of my highlights was visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem twice! Both times, I prayed for you and all our Partners! Praying for You are the Western Wall in Jerusalem! There is so much to share with you, so over the next few weeks, I'll be writing an e-book entitled, Journey to Israel: Insights & Impact, which I'll send you for your faithfulness to Mary Beth and me and our ministry I just returned this week from this life-changing journey to Israel and will be "leaping" back over to Kenya in less than a week (March 5th to 16th)! You can "leap" with me to Kenya to make a difference in educating village pastors who have no other opportunity to be trained! You can "leap" with me to bless the orphans and most vulnerable children in the region, who need your love and compassion! You can continue to help change an entire region with the Kingdom of God with your prayers and support today! We are currently $7,147 short for all that needs to be done for this trip! You can spread the Kingdom of God today with a special gift: GIVE As I get ready to "leap" over to Kenya, we are still short of our funding to help the pastors and orphans. Will you consider investing in our ministry with a special gift today to help the orphans and pastors for this trip? You can give on our secure website: GIVE Please give as generously as you can. Thank you for your support and care for those in need. Mary Beth and I can't THANK YOU enough! God BLESS You!
By Dr. Daniel B. Gilbert 30 Jun, 2018
The 2nd Edition of my book The Big 5: The Five Foundations Every Christian Should Know is currently at the Publishers with an addition of a “Foreward by Dr. Pat Robertson!”
By Dr. Dan Gilbert 01 Mar, 2018
God is really moving in Kenya and you still have time to help make a difference as well as receive a tax deduction for 2017! Your gift received by tomorrow night, 12/31/17, will assure that our Kenya March mission will be able to meet budget and be under written. We are counting on God to once again do great things thru our ministry. Our Bible Institute (ELIM Theological Institute) and the orphanage we sponsor, Ebenezer Children’s Home and School, will be the focus of our mission trip. ​​ We are writing to ask for your help to make this mission trip possible. Our projects below continue and are growing!​ Training Kenyan Pastors ELIM Theological Institute is a “mobile seminary” bringing seminary to those who can’t afford to go! We have grown from 26 to 170 pastors and church leaders! We have been ministering in a poor region of Kenya for seven years now ~providing them with the vital need of theological and ministry training as well as personally mentoring them. Your support will help pre-fund our trip and pay for the following: general school supplies, program materials, food and water for a week for the pastors and church leaders, translating expenses, travel expenses, facility rental, printing costs, transportation for some to attend, travel and lodging. We emphasize skills they need for effective ministry and protection from false prophets and Islam…a good understanding of Bible knowledge and doctrine, the ability to speak and preach well, the capacity to lead people to Christ and disciple them, and the training to guide a church in areas of relationships, marriage, discernment, forgiveness and more. We believe in empowering indigenous pastors, as it is the local Kenyan pastors who will have the greatest impact and can reach and disciple their people more effectively. And they have a greater propensity for multiplication. Some churches have doubled and tripled in size! We could not have seen God do miracles in their lives for many years now without so many wonderful partners and friends like you! Thank you! Gifts to Orphans in Kenya Second, we want to continue to help feed and care for over 400 children at the orphanage and the school we sponsor. Ebenezer Children’s Home and School in Kenya provides these orphans withfood, medicine, clothing, education, medical supplies, mosquito nets and the love of Jesus. We already have a huge suitcase packed and filled with stuffed animals and toys for the orphans. The children are very responsive to our ministry and they love it when we come to minister to them. This is all done in a Christ-centered environment serving the children’s physical and spiritual needs. Because of the generosity of others like you, we’ve also been able to provide for big items such as a new dining hall floor, kitchen, water tanks and more! Of course, we could never do it alone. Only through your generosity are any of these ministries to the underprivileged possible. In the months leading up to each mission, we pray, plan and prepare so that God, thru his people, will fully fund the mission. That’s what we’re doing right now in preparation for March. Your gift at this time will help mobilize the trip in order for us to go and be a blessing to these folks. Will you prayerfully consider helping the orphans and pastors by giving and making this trip possible in March 2018? To pay for all the items mentioned above and more (for 170 pastors/church leaders & over 400 orphans), our estimated budget for our March 2018 mission trip is $25,427! We need gifts of varying amounts: $50, $25, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000 or more. You can make a difference right away when you give: Through our website (click on the “DONATE” button and give through our secure account); or By check (mail to EmPowered Living – 825 Water Elm Ct., Chesapeake VA 23320) date check by December 31, 2017 in order to receive your 2017 tax-deduction We are so thankful for you and will be grateful for your gift! Thank you in advance for your prayers and support. Your help will be a blessing to the orphans, pastors and their church members and to all of us. God BLESS You, Dr. Daniel and Mary Beth Gilbert
By Dr. Daniel and Mary Beth Gilbert 06 Jan, 2018
HAPPY NEW YEAR! May I bless you with a word of encouragement for 2018? The LORD spoke through the Prophet Isaiah stating:
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